Successful Attack (Effective Attack)
The wolf can directly get 15% of the unclaimed earnings of the cow after attack, and the cow will have three states under this circumstance.
i. Bleeding
The cow will bleed after being attacked successfully. When the cow is bleeding, then 50% of the earnings generated by the cow in the bleeding state will be obtained by the wolf until the earnings reaches 10% of the maximum life cycle of the cow, then the bleeding state will disappear and the cow will return to normal.
ii. Downgrade
There is a 40% possibility that the cow will be downgraded after being attacked successfully.
The possibility of bleeding and downgrade are independent of each other. If downgrade and bleeding are triggered at the same time, then downgrade will be carried out first and the wolf’s earnings gaining from bleeding will be calculated according to the downgraded level of the cow.If the life cycle of Cow NFT under bleeding state decreases to 0, Cow NFT will be degraded once more.
iii. Neither Bleeding Nor Downgrade
The wolf will do none other sustained harms to the cow.
If the cow is already bleeding, it may still be attacked by other wolves. Other wolves who attack successively can get the remaining losable earnings. Generally speaking, the total earnings that can be lost after the cow is stolen and attacked will not exceed 40% of its unclaimed earnings. And the bleeding cow may be downgraded due to this attack.If this attack doesn’t cause the cow to downgrade, then cow will not be bleeding again.But if the bleeding Cow is downgraded, it would cause new bleeding and the bleeding state caused by last wolf will be interrupted.
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