1.3 Blockchain Foundation
NFT (irreplaceable tokens)
NFT (On-Fungible Token) is different from BTC, ETH and other homogeneous Tokens, and its unique standard Knowledge is irreplaceable, and the minimum unit of NFT is 1, which is inseparable.Due to its irreplaceable, unique, and immutable features, the NFT is available in areas such as digital art and games.
DeFi (DeCentralized Finance)
DeFi, relative to traditional centralized finance, refers to the applications in various financial fields established in an open decentralized network.DeFi's goal is to build a multi-level financial system to rebuild and refine existing financial systems based on blockchain technology and crypto assets.
Yield Faming
Liquidity mining in the DeFi field is the process in which users deposit or borrow designated crypto assets to their own needs and provide liquidity to the capital pool of the product for gain.The income of the income flow pool comes from the platform's tokens, governance authority, loan or transaction fee sharing, etc.In short, liquidity mining is similar to taking interest from bank deposits.When users don't want to deposit in the bank, they can withdraw both the principal and interest.
GameFi, namely Game + DeFi, is a fusion model of gaming and finance.In short, GameFi presents decentralized financial products and gamizes the rules of DeFi.Not only can the user's assets be used as a device or tool in the game, in turn, users can receive rewards and rewards when playing the game.The GameFi genre is similar to traditional games, including role-playing, virtual space, simulated combat, multiplayer building, and more.
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